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Kegel Exercises for Women
What are Kegel Exercises?
These exercises were originally developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel to help women with urinary incontinence. They were designed to strengthen and give voluntary control of a muscle called the pubococcygeus. The PC (for short) muscle is part of a sling of muscles stretching from the public bone in front to the tailbone in the back. It encircles not only the urinary opening but also the outside of the vagina. Some patients find that doing the kegel excersie has a pleasant side effect of increased sexual awareness.
Why Do Kegel Exercises?
-They can help increase bladder control
-They can help you be more aware of fellings in your genital area
-They can increase circulation in the genital area
-They can be helpful after childbirth in restoring muscle tone in the vagina
-They might hlep to increase sexual arousal started by other kinds of stimulation
How To Identify the P.C. Muscle:
Sit on the toilet. Spread your legs apart. See if you can stop and start the flow of urine without moving your legs. The PC muscle stops the flow of urine. If you don't find it the first time, don't give up. Try again the next time you urinate.
How to Do the Exercises:
Slow Kegel: Tighten the PC muscle as if to stop the flow of urine. Hold it for a slow count of five. Relax.
Quick Kegel: Tighten and relax the PC muscle as rapidly as you can.
Elevator Kegel: Imagine that the pelvic floor muscle is an elevator. Contract the PC muscle and slowly increase the tension as the elevator goes to each floor. Slowly release the tension in the PC muscle as the elevator descends. This requires greater control of the muscle.
At first do 10 repetitions of each of these exercises (one set) five times every day. Each week increase the number of repetitions you do of each exercise by 5. Do five sets each day.